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Raising Awareness of Snoring + Sleep Apnoea (Apnea) on Radio Croydon

Monday, February 10th, 2014

Cartoon: Mann ist vor PC eingeschlafen

Me (Kath Hope) speaking with Croydon Radio Presenter, Dave Etheridge about Sleep Apnoea, which they both suffer from. Their wish is that this interview will raise awareness to those undiagnosed with this common condition, which is responsible for so many other medical conditions as mentioned in the interview, as well as making driving whilst sleep deprived an enormous risk and can cause depression and anxiety. Most sufferers are unaware they have Sleep Apnoea and think their snoring is harmless! People of all sizes, age, sex and race are all at risk.

Please go to the Hope2Sleep Charity Website for more information after listening to the podcast.

Please consider sharing this post to help raise awareness to others. Thank you!

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